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Learn to code anytime and everywhere
Get started with just your name and your email adress . It’s as simple as that.
Get startedGet started with just your name and your email adress . It’s as simple as that.
Get startedCreate an animation that moves the character in Scratch!
Import pictures from the computer and the Internet into Scratch. Use images, sounds and movement to create a personal profile.
Create your own Obstacle Dodging Game using Scratch!
Moving left, right, up, and down with x and y coordinates.
Learn to draw and color a sprite using drawing tools.
Learn to code and create a Dodge Ball game using Scratch.
Animation using lines and angles to create images in the garden.
Alternate between different sprite costumes, incorporating time and motion. Import and record sounds to use in their Scratch projects.
Learn how to make an exciting underwater world.
Learn to create your own bouncy game with Scratch!
Learn to use variables blocks to turn on and off music.
Learn the basics of adding sound and music into Scratch!
Learn on create an exciting Ghostbusters game with Scratch.
Create an animation incorporating movement and images.
Learn how to code a full script to make a movie animation!
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